Once upon a time in a land called "every man's fantasy," a fair maiden brought home a long awaited surprise for her prince! This prince had been wishing for a duck hunting partner for as long as he has been hunting but fate had been unkind to him. When the lady heard of his wishes she decided to take fate into her own hands. It took many, many, many moons but the time had finally come to find the prince his hunting partner. The search was far and wide, but ended in Twin Falls, Idaho on Saturday night. The lady found this handsome pup and brought him home to meet her prince. It was love at first sight!
The handsome pup, ROCKY, has adjusted well and is a dream come true. He is just the right size, he has an amazing nose, and loves to play... The dear children in this land enjoy having him as well.
And they all lived happily ever after...
(written by Heidi...if anyone couldn't tell)
He is a natural hunter, great retriever, and has more energy than he knows what to do with. He will still need a good bit of training, but his natural ability so far amazes me. Plus, he really is a handsome boy. Oh, he may lose just a bit of his craziness next week. He is almost two, but his original owner did not have him neutered. I, though, don't want the goof ball peeing on anything else - though it was one of the ten funniest things I've ever seen when he lifted his leg on Heidi!!!